What should we call it when we go through and engage with all someone’s EAv connections?

I’ve been thinking about this for quite some time, and frankly it’s driving me crazy.

When I invest in someone, more often than not, I start on the right and work my way across their connections:

  1. Endorse their blog(s)
  2. Look at a picture or two on Flickr
  3. Try and find them on Instagram (statigram) and follow and like a few pictures
  4. Subscribe on YouTube
  5. Friend-request on Foursquare
  6. Circle on G+ and +1 a post or two
  7. Like their Fan Page
  8. Friend request on Facebook
  9. Thumbs up a few things on their profile page
  10. Follow and RT on Twitter
  11. Recommend them (sometimes)
  12. List them
  13. Pinterest them (sometimes)
  14. Tweet that I bought them

I’d like to think that I’m not the only one who does this, but when I post a shout, I like to tell them that I did those things.  One, so they know that it’s not wrong to do so and two so that they might do the same in return.

Can we please come up with a word that describes those actions?  We have to be able to come up with a word that we can all adopt as the new phrase.

“I <verbed> you, so hook it up in return!”

Any ideas?

17 responses to “What should we call it when we go through and engage with all someone’s EAv connections?

  1. I “awesomed” you. hehe ok not very good but I’m tired.

  2. Pingback: What should we call it when we go through and engage with all someone’s EAv connections? | Empire Avenue Strategy « My Bit.ly Public Timeline

  3. I “connected”, You can too.

  4. Reblogged this on Ransae's Blog.

  5. Doesn’t fully follow do that?

  6. I ‘XeeMed’ you?


  7. i totally stalked your profile, oh yes ! Would that sum it up?

  8. immersive engagement

  9. I “spidered” you 🙂

  10. more emotional .. my advertise says : Smile to world! it’s FREE.! Invest on me ONE LOVE

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